Oppress a Man and his Heritage “The Looting Vagabond”

Written By: B.K. The Writer

Oppress a Man and his Heritage

Bronze Sculpture of Benin Woman

“The Looting Vagabond”

In the wake of social injustice in America; there have been various protests nationwide. Some have been peaceful protests exercising their first amendment rights, but other protests have turned violent with rioting and looting. The news media has used propaganda to paint a false narrative following the murder of George Floyd. There has been a display of Blacks vandalizing property and looting local businesses. The following news organizations: Fox, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC to name a few, have publicized racist tactics, intentionally painting Blacks in a negative frame of light. When Caucasians riot, these same news organizations label them as protesters. In the early stages of a potential civil war, Donald Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol by brute force. By definition, these protestors should be labeled as terrorist, but were still labeled protesters by the White Supremacist News outlets. With his powerful words, the Revolutionary Malcolm X told us the following warning: “The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and guilty innocent. They control the minds of the masses.” This profound statement is still relevant even after 60 years of his death, with the consistent reminder that Black lives have no value in America. The news media uses divination of forecasting the future to convince the public that Black victims are the true aggressors; while white Police officers are portrayed as being in fear of their lives. Even though the slain victims did not possess any firearms nor present themselves as a threat.

Black Protesters

There’s video footage evidence of white Police Officers shooting a barrage of bullets towards Black unarmed suspects running away and not presenting themselves a threat. Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson murdered Mike Brown in cold blood! To justify the unlawful murder, Ferguson Police released a false convenience store video of Mike Brown stealing as if the punishment of death fits the crime. Eric Gardner was choked to death by the NYPD, with an illegal chokehold, because he was selling cigarettes. Once again, the punishment of death does not fit the crime. George Floyd was murdered by Officer Chauvin by means of suffocation. His knee was continually pressing on his neck for a total of 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The Police repeatedly tried blaming his death on “reported” drugs found in his system. Once again, where is the accountability of these actions? Our beloved Breonna Taylor was murdered by Louisville Police. The cops who raided her apartment blamed her boyfriend for her death, and claimed the boyfriend put her in an impractical situation, because he fired the first shot. The violent entry of the Louisville Police into the residence of Breonna Taylor has caused this local community to lose another member of the Black society. The reasoning of Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend was ‘intruders were entering through the door,’ and as a result of the Louisville Police never announcing their identity during the raid, the Black death count rises once more. A Judge announced concerns that the claims made in the Search Warrant of the Affidavit were invalid, proving the Louisville Police should have never been allowed to approach Breonna’s residence in the first place. Louisville Prosecutors offered Breonna’s ex-boyfriend who was a drug suspect a Plea Deal, requiring him to name Breonna Taylor as a co- defendant. This proves Louisville Police were willing to lie or falsify documents to justify another unlawful murder of a Black person. If it wasn’t for social media and camera phones, and the idea of looters being only Black; then this crime would have not been contested. 

Today’s technology has been exposing the reality of police brutality, and biased news media outlets. Black Lives Matter protesters were not looting, but footage shows white demonstrators were looting. During George Floyds protest, White Supremacists and other Far Right groups were inciting violence, burning down buildings, and vandalizing property. According to Jesse Lee Peterson: (a Fox News White Supremacist, Black Face radio and talk show host…)  “Only Black people loot, riot, and destroy, while whites build.” For argument’s sake, let’s say Black people were the only race looting as advertised on the news. The question I present is: “Is the pot calling the Kettle Black?” When Black people loot; we’re inside footlocker searching for Jordan shoes, but when White people loot, their kidnapping people (TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE,) stealing lands, stealing natural resources (COLONIZATION,) stealing cultures, and stealing historical artifacts. The looters at these protests were most likely arrested and prosecuted in a court of law. So, when will the European Race be arrested and prosecuted, for the crimes they committed against the earth and Mankind? When will the European Race payback its debt to the Continent of Africa, and to its original chosen inhabitants.

Nsala a Congolese man stares at the dismembered hands of his daughter.

What is looting? Looting is the taking of goods from a place by force, or without right, especially in the time of war. The European race conspired to destroy Africa in 1885, known today as the Berlin Conference, also known as the following: The Scramble for Africa, The Partition of Africa, The Conquest of Africa, or The Rape of Africa. This act controlled the colonization and trade within the borders of Africa. In 1870 Europeans had 10 percent control over Africa, but by 1914 Europeans controlled 90 percent of the Continent. Ethiopia and Liberia were the only countries considered independent. Let’s examine the natural resources that were looted from Africa in the 18th and 19th century. The Europeans stole Oil, Uranium, Gold, Diamonds, Copper, Platinum, Tea, Coffee, Grains, Cocoa Beans, Rubber, Aluminum, Phosphates, and many more natural resources that the continent preserves. Europeans did more than just loot these items. They enslaved the people and enacted violence on them. If the enslaved didn’t meet a certain quota, severe punishments were required. King Leopold ll of Belgium colonized and enslaved the Congolese as a result of the Berlin Conference. It’s reported by Belgium Soldiers that baskets of dismembered hands and feet were brought to European Commanders. This was the punishment of the Congolese workers/slaves for not bringing back enough Rubber. Age did not play a factor in punishment. There are pictures of a Congolese man staring at the chopped off hands and feet of his five-year-old daughter. The name of the brother is Nsala, and the picture was taken by Alice Seeley Harris. America has always intervene in issues of injustice in other countries as a façade, so why didn’t they intervene for Democracy’s sake during the rampage and pillaging of Africa?

British stole Benin Bronzes

 They did not intervene because they partook and benefitted from the acts of Terrorism against Africa. America was built off the backs of enslaved African Americans. Let’s visit Benin and Nigeria; both of these places are rich with history, and culture. The Benin Bronze Sculptures may look like works of art, but really they are historic records of The Ancient Kingdom of Edo. These artifacts include elephant tusk carved into ivory leopard statues, and even wooden heads. Carved in the ivory were visuals of the life’s work of different Oba’s (KINGS). The tradition of the Edo people was to create sculptures of defeated enemies, messengers, and of their Kings documenting their history. These royal objects told stories of reigning kings, hunters hunting mighty flesh-eating beasts, and warriors conquering different kingdoms. These iconic items were stolen by the British in 1897 during the Reign of Oba (KING) Ovonramwen. In 1896 the British attempted to invade The Kingdom of Edo, with one goal, to de-throne the Oba (KING) Ovonramwen. Remember, due to the Berlin Conference the European Powers objective was to divide Africa into colonial territories. This specific expedition failed, leaving the British ambushed by an Edo military unit. The majority of the British military were slaughtered, and this was a clear victory for the Edo. Remember our military unit was not as advanced as the Europeans, but our superior physical capabilities along with our spirit to overcome made us successful. In 1897 the British retaliated with a larger military force, consisting of guns capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute and bomb shells. They were given orders to invade and conquer.  The Oba (KING) was eventually captured and exiled. The Leaders of the Edo were cut off, and this caused the daily procedures in the Royal Court to be disturbed. The Royal objects from The Royal Palace were now spoils of war, seized by a race of vagabonds, who conspired to destroy and enslave the whole Continent of Africa. Today these very same Royal objects that document the history of The Kingdom of Edo are sold in public auctions and are held captive in various European Museums. Instead of showing remorse for the plot (THE BERLIN CONFERENCE,) of destroying Africa and its inhabitants by giving the people of Benin and Nigeria back their stolen history, they refused by offering to loan the Royal artifacts to them. This is a spit in the face, this proves Europeans really don’t feel remorse about the destruction of our race, our history to them is a trophy hunt on display. 

Let’s discuss the looted history of The Powerful Kingdom of Dahomey. The French went to war with The Kingdom of Dahomey from 1892-1894. The Kingdom of Dahomey won many battles against the French with the aid of The Mino (The Dahomey Amazons). The last independent King of Dahomey was King Behanzin. He fought against the French, to prevent the Colonization of Dahomey. He later was betrayed by his own Brother Conspiring with the French to dethrone him. King Behanzin was defeated, and Dahomey was colonized. King Behanzin’s throne, and his exotic treasures became spoils of war, and now sits in the stores of France’s ethnographic treasure trove, The Museum of Quai Branly Paris. Alongside the Throne of Behanzin, there are thousands of looted historical objects that belong to Africa. Worldwide there are Millions of looted historical objects from Africa in European White Supremacist Museums. 

Activist Mwazulu Diyabanza

Let’s now examine the hypocrisy of the French Government. A Congolese activist by the name of Mwazulu Diyabanza who belongs to a Pan-African movement has been pressuring France to return the thousands of looted historical African works of art, and reparations for our enslavement. Diyabanza entered inside The Museum of Quai Branly. He allegedly picks up a 19th century African funerary post from the region that is now called The Sudan or Chad, during his protest he denounced colonial-era cultural theft. The French Government convicted Diyabanza of aggravated robbery and fined him $1,176. He also faces another theft charge for allegedly removing another historical African artifact from a Museum in Marseille, France. In Diyabanza’s third demonstration, he and other protestors allegedly picked up a Congolese funeral statue from the Afrika Museum in Berg en Dal, the Netherlands. How do you charge a man for theft and fine him, especially when his people were the original owners and creators of these historical objects? How do you charge a man for theft, when you stole these objects from his people? How do you order a fine to a man, when you made profit from the enslavement of his people? How do you charge a man for theft, when you conspired to steal all the natural resources from his homeland? Yes indeed, the pot is calling the kettle black. We will rise again, and you will be tried for your crimes…. ASE!!!


Please sign and share this petition to return stolen artefacts and heritage items to Africa from British Museums 
