Comments on: Oppress a Man and his Heritage “The Looting Vagabond” BLACK STARLINE NEWS Thu, 23 Feb 2023 17:12:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Tue, 14 Feb 2023 10:12:28 +0000 What we don’t know will always hurt us. What we are learning continually. It will heal us.

By: An African Mon, 02 Jan 2023 11:48:38 +0000 Great article detailing the blatant theft by the Europeans of Africa’s people, land and resources which they still feed off of to this day, while portraying themselves as benevolent savoiurs. Fact is Europe will perish without Africa and they know this hence the control of its resources and the oppression of its people. Thanks again

By: Henoch Fri, 23 Dec 2022 04:21:12 +0000 The caucasian race steals everything , That is a major fact everything they have was stolen from Africa everything you can think of an also they went as far to enslave them the real definition of looting (Deuteronomy 28:68).. this article is fire great job ….

By: Rahmyel Thu, 22 Dec 2022 23:05:15 +0000 This makes me think of black panther on how they always show us things in movies that are true but if you never read up on your history you will never know! the lack of knowledge is why we or docile but the understanding of bible scriptures (our history) will make you stand up respond and pay attention to life in America as a black man!!!

By: Nahum Israel Thu, 22 Dec 2022 16:44:34 +0000 This is a beautifully put together thought on the atrocities done to our people. This gives me research material that I think we should all look into, so proper and wise actions can be taken.
